I was about to verify that our license file was valid for .NET Core installation, and visited /EPiServer/EPiServer.Cms.UI.Admin/default#/Tools/LicenseInformation. However, it just says "No license file was found" regardless of the file existing or not.
Found at least two issues. The first one is that LicensingController.GetLicense does not make use of LicensePathOptions, so you can't configure the license file via appsettings.json. Instead it uses the ContentRootPath and checks for the license file there. The second issue is that even if you place license.config in ContentRootPath, it will still not show up in License Information due to some developer mixing up Directory.Exists(...) and File.Exists(...). Basically, a complete path is created to the license file - for example C:\Develop\WebApp\License.config, and then Directory.Exists("C:\Develop\WebApp\License.config") always returns false because that path is not a folder.
I was about to verify that our license file was valid for .NET Core installation, and visited /EPiServer/EPiServer.Cms.UI.Admin/default#/Tools/LicenseInformation. However, it just says "No license file was found" regardless of the file existing or not.
Found at least two issues. The first one is that LicensingController.GetLicense does not make use of LicensePathOptions, so you can't configure the license file via appsettings.json. Instead it uses the ContentRootPath and checks for the license file there. The second issue is that even if you place license.config in ContentRootPath, it will still not show up in License Information due to some developer mixing up Directory.Exists(...) and File.Exists(...). Basically, a complete path is created to the license file - for example C:\Develop\WebApp\License.config, and then Directory.Exists("C:\Develop\WebApp\License.config") always returns false because that path is not a folder.