I think I might've found the cause, I had different ContentType type (Variation) which also had a Keywords property. Making it have a different name seems to solve the issue somehow.
Yes exactly. Glad you fixed your issue, but the error message could be better (I wrote it actually). I will take a look on how to improve it.
Yeah, it took me a while before I understood what the error message was actually trying to say. It would very helpful if the error message could say specifically which content types that have the issue.
I've implemented a custom Product class that inherits from EPiServer.Commerce.Catalog.ContentTypes.ProductContent.
I have previously implemented a property which was not culture specific.
A few days later I've realised that this property should be culture specific so I've added a [CultureSpecifc] attribute to it
Currently I have no products at all in my commerce catalog, however, after performing this change I get the following Exception during site initialization:
Is there any way to force a property that already has been created to become CultureSpecific?