The was a related but that was fixed in 12.19 CMS-26925
I can ask QA to test again with 12.23
I have asked QA to verify and they confirm everything works well with Core 12.18 and UI 12.23. So it might have something to do with your website. please reach out to developer support for further assistance
Your screenshot only shows the Details view, I assume you have also checked the History view in the left-side navigation?
We recently upgraded our client's solution to use Episerver.Cms 12.23 with following subdependencies for the different Episerver packages.
Since then it seems that the scheduled jobs area in the settings (admin view) has failed with providing on status changed messages for running jobs as well as tehe graph for historical jobs not really displaying anything.
Is this a bug in the latest UI packages, or some application setup in our startup.cs or similiar being the issue here?