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Could you debug your site and turn off the "Just my code" option? that would give a pretty good idea of what is null.
Looked quickly and it seems your settings and the code that send stmp mails are both correct
Hi Quan
I received the following exceptions while posting the form without Just my code enabled: the exception is thrown at System.Threading.Tasks and is missing the SmtpClientImplementation.cs... is this file somehow related in the nuget package of Forms?
Yeah try to decompile. It is not great but you can probably get what is null.
What is your exact version, I might be able to grab you a pdb
Seems to not be able to Decompile? Now I receive this SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor.cs not found
I decompiled with IlSpy and hence cannot find the assembly path for the SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor at EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Actors
No you should only need SmtpClientImplementation - as it's throwing exception
SmtpClientImplementation is not thrown any longer, only SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor now - is this actor still referred in the EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Actors namespace?
Or could we be having something else mismatch in our solution?
We are running the following setup for Optimizely Forms in our clients solution:
EPiServer.Forms 5.7.1
EPiServer.Forms.Samples 4.2.2
When we define our forms with a Send email actor in the editorial part of the form and submit a successfull form submission, we receive the following in the logs:
The internal controller for sending an email seems to fail within Optimizely.
This is the following configuration we have for the Smtp config for the solution:
Have we missed something in the configuration sections or is this an internal bug for the latest Forms?