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EPiServer.Forms 5.5.0 placeholder breaking changes


After upgrading to EPiServer.Forms 5.5.0 placeholder template changed from #template item# to  ::template item::

For example:

EPiServer.Forms 5.4.0 had syntax like this: #summary#

EPiServer.Forms 5.5.0 has syntax like this: ::summary::


It brakes all emails because they don't contain information from template items.

Edited, Mar 09, 2023 6:54

In the Episerver.Forms 5.5.0, we changed the (#) placeholder to (::), because, the (#) character conflicted with the new TinyMCE behavior. Below
is release note for that:
So, you have to re-configure the email template for all of forms to change the (#) placeholder to (::). If you have many forms, you can consider to run script below on DB directly and restart the web app.
Please backup the DB before running and you should try it on local/dev environment first to make sure everything works without any issues after running the script.

update tblContentProperty set LongString = REPLACE(LongString, '#', '::') where fkPropertyDefinitionID in (select tbp.pkID from tblPropertyDefinition tbp where tbp.[Name] = 'SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor')
update tblWorkContentProperty set LongString = REPLACE(LongString, '#', '::') where fkPropertyDefinitionID in (select tbp.pkID from tblPropertyDefinition tbp where tbp.[Name] = 'SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor')
update tblContentProperty set LongStringLength = LEN(LongString) where fkPropertyDefinitionID in (select tbp.pkID from tblPropertyDefinition tbp where tbp.[Name] = 'SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor')
Edited, Mar 28, 2023 6:47

I have additional information: "In Forms 5.5.1 we added support for both placeholders, so now it should work with either :: or #"

Apr 23, 2024 17:25
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.