Get error Initialize action failed for Initialize on class EPiServer.Forms.EditView.InitializationModule after successful NuGet package install


I get this erroir when trying to run my site after installing Forms. Running target framework net8.0.

An error occurred while starting the application.
ArgumentException: Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7' (Parameter 'moduleAssembly')
EPiServer.Shell.Paths.ToResource(Assembly moduleAssembly, string moduleRelativeResourcePath)

InitializationException: Initialize action failed for Initialize on class EPiServer.Forms.EditView.InitializationModule, EPiServer.Forms.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7

I've added the following section into appsetting.json. Not sure what everything needs to be set at. Comment out some of it for now. These are the default setting from the EPiServer help page.

"Forms": {
  "FormsConfig": {
    "VisitorSubmitTimeout": 1,
    "DisableFormCookies": false,
    "DataExportBlobProviderName": "DefaultDataExportBlobProvider",
    "SerializingObjectUsingNameValueFormat": true,
    "SendMessageInHTMLFormat": true,
    "MinimumAccessRightLevelToReadFormData": "Edit",
    "CoreController": "/EPiServer.Forms/DataSubmit",
    "DefaultUploadExtensionBlackList": "asp,aspx,asa,ashx,asmx,bat,chm,class,cmd,com,config,dll,exe,hta,htr,htw,jse,json,lnk,mda,mdb,msc,msh,pif,printer,ps1,ps2,reg,rem,scf,scr,sct,shtm,shtml,soap,stm,svc,url,vb,vbe,vbs,vsix,ws,wsc,wsf,wsh,xamlx,htm,html,js,jar",
    "FormElementViewsFolder": "~/Views/Shared/ElementBlocks",
    "WorkInNonJSMode": false,
    "InjectFormOwnStylesheet": true,
    "InjectFormOwnJQuery": true,
    "RenderingFormUsingDivElement": false,
    //"PreconfiguredFeeds": [
    //  {
    //    "Id": "Your Id",
    //    "Description": "Your Description",
    //    "Url": "Your Url",
    //    "KeyXPath": "Your KeyXPath",
    //    "ValueXPath": "Your ValueXPath",
    //    "CacheTimeout": 90
    //  }
  "FormsPermanentStorageProvider": {
    "DefaultProvider": "DdsPermanentStorage",
    "Providers": {
      "DdsPermanentStorage": {
        "Type": "EPiServer.Forms.Core.Data.DdsPermanentStorage, EPiServer.Forms.Core",
        "Parametters": {}
      //"DdsEncryptedPermanentStorage": {
      //  "Type": "EPiServer.Forms.Core.Data.Internal.DdsEncryptedPermanentStorage, EPiServer.Forms.Core",
      //  "Parameters": {
      //    "CryptoEngineType": "EPiServer.Forms.Crypto.AzureKeyVault.Internal.AzureKeyVaultCryptoEngine, EPiServer.Forms.Crypto.AzureKeyVault",
      //    "KeyIdentifier": "Your KeyIdentifier",
      //    "TenantId": "Your TenantId",
      //    "ClientId": "Your ClientId",
      //    "ClientSecret": "Your ClientSecret"
      //  }

Jan 09, 2024 22:29

This has been fixed. We had to add this code in one of our all StatrtUp classes so they would work when ran by themselves. It would have been nice on the Forms setup page if this is mentioned when using multiple projects within a solution.

if (webHostEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
    var moduleName = typeof(EPiServer.Forms.Constants).Assembly.GetName().Name;

    services.Configure<CompositeFileProviderOptions>(options =>
        options.BasePathFileProviders.Add(new MappingPhysicalFileProvider(
            webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "\\bin\\debug\\net8.0\\modules\\_protected\\EPiServer.Forms"));

    services.Configure<ProtectedModuleOptions>(options =>
        options.Items.Add(new ModuleDetails { Name = moduleName });
Edited, Feb 06, 2024 20:13
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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