I hope to get some inputs on the folllowing issue I have.
We have created a custom editor and below is the code structure. This basically creates a dropdown element and then shows/hides few properties based on dropdown selection.
define([ // dojo core 'dojo/_base/declare', // Used to declare the actual widget 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/dom-style', 'dojo/on', // To connect events
// Optimizely 'epi/shell/widget/FormContainer', // Opti base widget to extend ], function (declare, lang, domStyle, on, FormContainer) { const DEFAULT= 0; const OPTION_1 = 1; const OPTION_2 = 2;
_onFormCreated: function () { this.inherited(arguments); this._bindContentAreaEvent(); },
onFieldCreated: function (fieldName, widget) { this.inherited(arguments); this.widgetsList[fieldName] = widget; },
_bindContentAreaEvent: function () { // Widgets var contentAreaWidget = this.widgetsList['navigationItems']; var siteNavigationTypeWidget = this.widgetsList['navigationType']; var topLevelLinksWidget = this.widgetsList['topLevelLinks']; var menuDirectionWidget = this.widgetsList['menuDirection'];
// Setup on page load if (!siteNavigationTypeWidget.value || siteNavigationTypeWidget.value == DEFAULT) { this._setWidgetDisplays(contentAreaWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, menuDirectionWidget); } else if (siteNavigationTypeWidget.value === OPTION_1) { this._setWidgetDisplays(topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget, menuDirectionWidget); } else if (siteNavigationTypeWidget.value === OPTION_2) { this._setWidgetDisplays(menuDirectionWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget); }
// Bind event this.own( siteNavigationTypeWidget.on( 'change', lang.hitch(this, function (value) { if (!value || value == CONTENT_AREA) { this._setWidgetDisplays(contentAreaWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, menuDirectionWidget); } else if (value === TOP_LEVEL_LINKS) { this._setWidgetDisplays(topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget, menuDirectionWidget); } else if (value === CURRENT_CONTENT) { this._setWidgetDisplays(menuDirectionWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget); } }), ), ); },
I have all related registrations done in code. When I run my applicaiton which is deployed on local IIS , eveyrthing works fine. When this is pushed on Integration, this functionality doesn't work, I see that onFormCreated never gets invoked and thus when any selection is made, it doesn't show/hide properteis and Publish button won't be enabled.
Trying to understand what could be wrong here as I don't see any issue in local environment.
Just a question. Do you have your casing right? Since I seen you said you deploy to integration, linux is case sensative. Also, where are your clientresources located in your project?
Hello team,
I hope to get some inputs on the folllowing issue I have.
We have created a custom editor and below is the code structure. This basically creates a dropdown element and then shows/hides few properties based on dropdown selection.
// dojo core
'dojo/_base/declare', // Used to declare the actual widget
'dojo/on', // To connect events
// Optimizely
'epi/shell/widget/FormContainer', // Opti base widget to extend
], function (declare, lang, domStyle, on, FormContainer) {
const DEFAULT= 0;
const OPTION_1 = 1;
const OPTION_2 = 2;
return declare('myapp.editors.customNavigation', [FormContainer], {
widgetsList: {},
_onFormCreated: function () {
onFieldCreated: function (fieldName, widget) {
this.widgetsList[fieldName] = widget;
_bindContentAreaEvent: function () {
// Widgets
var contentAreaWidget = this.widgetsList['navigationItems'];
var siteNavigationTypeWidget = this.widgetsList['navigationType'];
var topLevelLinksWidget = this.widgetsList['topLevelLinks'];
var menuDirectionWidget = this.widgetsList['menuDirection'];
// Setup on page load
if (!siteNavigationTypeWidget.value || siteNavigationTypeWidget.value == DEFAULT) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(contentAreaWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, menuDirectionWidget);
} else if (siteNavigationTypeWidget.value === OPTION_1) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget, menuDirectionWidget);
} else if (siteNavigationTypeWidget.value === OPTION_2) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(menuDirectionWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget);
// Bind event
lang.hitch(this, function (value) {
if (!value || value == CONTENT_AREA) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(contentAreaWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, menuDirectionWidget);
} else if (value === TOP_LEVEL_LINKS) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget, menuDirectionWidget);
} else if (value === CURRENT_CONTENT) {
this._setWidgetDisplays(menuDirectionWidget, topLevelLinksWidget, contentAreaWidget);
_setWidgetDisplays: function (widgetToShow, ...widgetsToHide) {
domStyle.set(widgetToShow.domNode.parentElement, 'display', 'block');
widgetsToHide.forEach((node) => domStyle.set(node.domNode.parentElement, 'display', 'none'));
I have all related registrations done in code. When I run my applicaiton which is deployed on local IIS , eveyrthing works fine. When this is pushed on Integration, this functionality doesn't work, I see that onFormCreated never gets invoked and thus when any selection is made, it doesn't show/hide properteis and Publish button won't be enabled.
Trying to understand what could be wrong here as I don't see any issue in local environment.
Thanks in Advance