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TinyMce SpellChecker New Dictionary


Hi Guys,

I have followed all the guides and tried many combinations , but I am still getting an js alert that the *.aff file is missing whenever I try using en-GB. 

What is the exact path to a new dictionary , for example Ive tried placing it here :




Nov 02, 2022 14:56
Robert Runge - Nov 09, 2022 9:58
I have the same problem! No solution yet, but to some more information:

Steps provided does not provide a working solution. I think they might work for CMS < 12 as someone has written a blog about here:


Is this a bug in CMS12?

Hi Robert thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately I had already visited both those links and tried them , along with a ton of trial and error.

So this does feel like a bug in CMS12 , or in the TinyMCE.Spellchecker Nuget perhaps 

Nov 10, 2022 9:47
Robert Runge - Nov 10, 2022 12:12
I have been told by Optimizely, that there is a bug reported - though not visible on the buglist,
They could not say, when it would be fixed.

Looks like it's this one:

Based on that, should be included in the next release of the EPiServer.TinyMCESpellChecker package.

Nov 17, 2022 5:36
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