Based on this blogpost
It looks like you need to clone the upgrade-assistant and build localy and use the CLI from the output folder for net5
"is to instead of installing the upgrade-assistant tool, clone the upgrade-assistant repo and build it locally. The CLI tool is targeting both net5 and net6 so you can then run the executable from the net5 output folder. "
You have to run set DefaultTargetFrameworks__LTS=net5.0
before running upgrade-assistant upgrade {projectName}.csproj --extension "{extensionPath}" --ignore-unsupported-features --target-tfm-support LTS
Default target fragemwork command worked now when i try with windows command prompt.
Last time i did in Windows Powershell and always targated to net6.0
Could also start looking at .NET 6, depending on what packages you use:
Hi Team,
I have started upgrading my CMS11 application to CMS 12.
Using Upgrade Assistant tool to convert. As part this, i have started with one of existing class library but always target framework is setting with net6.0 instead of net5.0.
I have only net5.0 SDK installed in my system but not sure why it is taking always net6.0.
Tried with setting defaut target framework version as mentioned in below link but still same issue.
Please let me know what else i am missing here.
Please refer below screenshot reference.