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Assets PlugIn Doesnt Show Up


Im trying to create a plugin that will show up in the assets pane in Optimizely 12, and its not showing up. I have a component set up below, but its not visible:

    public sealed class MyComponent : ComponentDefinitionBase
        public GlobalSettingsComponent()
            : base("epi-cms/component/MainNavigationComponent")
            this.LanguagePath = "/episerver/cms/components/myComponent";
            this.Title = "My Component";
            this.SortOrder = 1000;
            this.PlugInAreas = new[] { PlugInArea.Assets };
            this.Settings.Add(new Setting("repositoryKey",MyComponentRepositoryDescriptor.RepositoryKey));

    public class MyComponentRepositoryDescriptor: ContentRepositoryDescriptorBase
        public static string RepositoryKey => "mycomponent";

        public override IEnumerable<Type> ContainedTypes => new[] { typeof(CustomClass), typeof(CustomFolder) };

        public override IEnumerable<Type> CreatableTypes => new[] { typeof(CustomClass), typeof(CustomFolder) };

        public override string CustomNavigationWidget => "epi-cms/component/ContentNavigationTree";

        public override string CustomSelectTitle =>

        public override string Key => RepositoryKey;

        public override IEnumerable<Type> MainNavigationTypes => new[] { typeof(CustomClass), typeof(CustomFolder) };

        public override IEnumerable<string> MainViews => new string[1] { HomeView.ViewName };

        public override string Name =>

        public override IEnumerable<ContentReference> Roots => new[] { this.MyClass.Service.GlobalRoot};

        public override int SortOrder => 1000;

        private Injected<ICustomClass> MyClass{ get; set; }
Mar 18, 2022 14:51

Hi Ethan, did you ever figure out why the component didnt show? I am having the same issue.

Feb 28, 2023 11:44

Thomas - 

Sort of. I think there is some sort of cache issue I dont understand. BUT, to fix, go to the little person icon in the top right of the CMS and click on it. You get two options: My Settings and Log Out. Go to My Settings. Click on Reset Views. Give it a sec to process - you should get a confirmation when its done. That should fix your problem if your code is actually correct.

Feb 28, 2023 13:58
Tim Schmelter - Apr 20, 2023 19:08
Thanks, works
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