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Stack overflow in EPiServer.Shell.UI.Rest.DefaultMetadataStoreModelCreator for PropertyList


We have a custom property type and editor that works fine on its own, but when including it as part of an IList/PropertyList the recursion logic in EPiServer.Shell.UI.Rest.DefaultMetadataStoreModelCreator.CreateFromModelMetadata causes stack overflow.

The store call that throws the exception is: /EPiServer/shell/Stores/metadata/<mylistdatatype>?dojo.preventCache=xxxxxxx

This behaviour only seems to happen in CMS 12 /.NET 5 (currently using EPiServer.Shell.UI version 12.3.1), I can't recreate it in CMS 11.

Any ideas? Thanks!


Mar 09, 2022 13:18
Ted - Mar 09, 2022 14:23
Any chance you could post code for that property type, editor descriptor and editor?
Robert Blomqvist - Mar 15, 2022 8:42
Unfortunately not, but it's not a super advanced property. I've been struggling to find a breakpoint to capture this overflow in "our" code, without success. We do modify the property metadata in the ModifyMetadata override but only by adding simple strings, nothing fancy.
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