However if I move the module to the public space (e.g. directly in /modules/ , not in /modules/_protected) and remove the declaration in appsettings.json, the AutoDiscovery should register the module in the same way, but CMS tires to load it from non-existing URL:
I have a very simplistic example of a shell module, with following code.
// src/Foundation/modules/_protected/BasicComponent/ClientResources/MainWidget.js define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin" ], function ( declare, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin ) { return declare([_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], { templateString: "<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</div>" }); });
[Component] public sealed class BasicComponent : ComponentDefinitionBase { public BasicComponent() : base("addon/MainWidget") { Categories = new[] { "content" }; Title = "Basic Component"; Description = ""; AllowedRoles.Add("Editor"); AllowedRoles.Add("CmsAdmins"); AllowedRoles.Add("CmsEditors"); } }
"CmsUI": { "ProtectedModule": { "Items": [ { "Name": "BasicComponent" } ] } }
Having it defined as a protected module works correctly, and it's loaded from following URL:
However if I move the module to the public space (e.g. directly in /modules/ , not in /modules/_protected) and remove the declaration in appsettings.json, the AutoDiscovery should register the module in the same way, but CMS tires to load it from non-existing URL:
Only if I change public modules auto discovery level to minimal and explicitly add module,
"CmsUI": { "PublicModule": { "AutoDiscovery": "Minimal", "Items": [ { "Name": "BasicComponent" } ] } }
then it's loaded correctly from URL:
Following documentation at module should be correctly registered, without need for additional confiuguration.
Is the something I am missing or is this a bug?