Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Hi Carl, Optimizely have a feedback forum at https://feedback.optimizely.com/ where you can post both feature requests and general ideas.
Where do one put in a feature request for custom content delivery api endpoints for CMS 12+?
This attribute - can you make it public so you can create custom content delivery api endpoints easy?
As far as I understand this activates filters and convetions so the json is formatted correctly.
Then you use the ObjectResultWithHeaders action result to with [Produces] attribute to format the end result.
And a final question:
What is the point of [JsonFormatter] attriubte and JsonFormattedResult if EPi it self doesn't use it for this type of conversions?