Hi Ryan
You can find configuration details from the developer doc link below
@vicent the documentation speaks to simply needing to configure the endpoints for the default provider, the link you shared is psuedo code for building out a custom provider. There seems to be a conflict. I'm looking for documentation on what to do to configure the default provider. Copied from the section about deploying to windows servers "Configure the default provider for remote events by configuring the endpoints."
I believe the configuring of the endpoints is done similar with how it's described in the https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/content-management-system/docs/deploying-to-azure-webapps
You would need to install the EPiServer.Azure nuget package that contains an event provider in the dlls (EPiServer.Azure.Events.AzureEventProvider) and you'd just need to configure it in the appsetting.json
EventProvider as EPiServer.Azure.Events.AzureEventProvider,EPiServer.Azure. Then the configuring of the provider with the conenction string. (Section 3 Update the configuration - but you don't need the blobprovider)
"EventProvider" : { "Provider" : "EPiServer.Azure.Events.AzureEventProvider,EPiServer.Azure" }, "AzureEventProvider" : { "ConnectionString" : "The contention string", "TopicName" : "The topic name " }
where connection string is described at section 3.2.c
I would say you can ignore everything else from that page and just follow step from section 2.4 and then 3.2.c
I am configuring a load balanced scenario in a on-premise hosting using Stefan Olsens eventproviders: https://stefanolsen.com/posts/new-optimizely-cms-event-provider-for-on-premise-hosting/
Since the edit-server is behind different DMZ from the public fronts Unicast is the way I have gone: using release variables to define ip address och port for the transmittor and also the recievers.
I am thinking the port used has to be open in firewall and website bindings in IIS as well?! Any other thoughts and pointers?
Also; how is the most suitable way to prevent access to episerver ui on the load balanced front servers?
Is it by using Request Filtering i IIS or is there a configuration in Optimizely CMS you could use?
Looking at the documentation about adding load balancer support for CMS 12 there is multiple references to configuring the endpoints however I do not see in the cms section configuration options a way to do that. Does anyone know where I can find those options? We are upgrading from CMS 11, not sure if that helps but figured it was worth the info.