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Join us this Friday for AI in Action at the Virtual Happy Hour! This free virtual event is open to all—enroll now on Academy and don’t miss out.
Looking at your settings this will create a new Home node with full IA within the existing Home you already have on pre-prod i.e
Is this what you want or do you want to update the existing homepage you already have?
The import may have not worked due to not allowing an instance of Home Content Type to be created beneath itself, check allowed types on this content type.
Secondly have a look at the export file if you rename it to Zip it's easy too see it's contents. Maybe the export did not include any items.
If you want to update the existing homepage, then first double check the Content ID's match between Integration and Pre-Production, then select Root as your destination rather than Home.
Depending on the Size of the import it might be wiser restoring the Intgegration Database to Pre-Production via PaasPortal rather than using Import / Export
I believe it is the GUID for the content that is used for comparison within the import/export tools and not the Integer ID that the users see in the interface. This is because the integer ID is based on a SQL Identity column and therefore cannot be guaranteed as being the same originating content.
I tried exporting the Home Page from our Integration environment and then importing in PreProd and it wasn't able to import it. Gave the message: No file uploaded..How to debug this issue?
I was able to import/export another page just not the page of type StartPage