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multi-channel content gadget problem



We have just upgraded to cms.core.12.13.1 & cms.ui.12.17.1 and we have an issue with the multi-channel content gadget. It now displays a folder named "content" as the top level folder and nothing more. Before the upgrade it was "root" that was displayed as the top folder.  All our folders that where prev. created under "root" are no longer visible. However the prev. created folders are still visible in admin in the access right view. 

The "content" folder is also visible in the assets pane. According to the documentation multichannel content and folders should only be visible in the multi-channel content gadget.

Is there a bug in the latest cms.ui.12.17.1 version? Our are we missing some configuration changes? Any ideas?

(reverting to 12.15.0 restores "root" page)



Edited, Mar 23, 2023 12:22

From CMS.UI 12.16.0, the root of the multi-channel content gadget is no longer the Root(Root Page)

It has been changed to the "content" folder.

You should try to export your "old" content folders and import them under the new content root.

Mar 29, 2023 3:57

Thanks! Where can I find information about this change? And also, why is the content folder visible in the asset pane (in direct conflict with the documentation) ?



Mar 29, 2023 6:27
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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