Hello Martin
Have you seen the Languages add on gadget? It gives the option to start by copying the master language first:
Hi David,
Thank you for the reply. Yes that should work in most cases. Problem with that one in our specific case is that it sets the name on the new block/page to the same as the one you selected to translate from. But it might be possible to tweak it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Is it possible to globally set some sort of setting on properties in pages and blocks to inherit parent value when doing a translation of that page/block?
This should apply to all kinds of properties no matter the type.
Page Lang Propertytype Name Value
ContentPage EN string Header Foo
Now when I translate this page into Polish I want the default values to come from the above
Page Lang Propertytype Name Value
ContentPage PL string Header Foo
Im looking for something similar to what can be found under the configure properties in admin. But this will give me the parents page properties values when creating a new page. And that I don't want. Can this behaviour be modified? Or can this be applied via an attribute in code?