Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Hello I assume you have tried the EPiServer Connect for SharePoint tool available on the EPiServer Nuget feed: http://nuget.episerver.com/en/OtherPages/Package/?packageId=EPiServer.ConnectForSharePoint?
That is the official SharePoint connector for EPiServer 8. You can read more on how to configure this connector here: http://world.episerver.com/add-ons/connect-for-sharepoint/configuring-connect-for-sharepoint/
Also the user documention is here: http://webhelp.episerver.com/15-3/EN/Default.htm#Addons/Edit_SharePoint.htm%3FTocPath%3DAdd-ons%7C_____8
Let me know how you get on.
Hi David,
I am working on a Episerver Connect for SharePoint.I am able to get the documents from SharePoint.But I am not able get the metadata/properties of the documents.
Do you have any idea,How could I map the properties of the document from SharePoint to EPIServer using Connect For SharePOint addons?
Hi Chandika - I wanted to let you know that we are currently in beta test with our latest version of the SharePoint connector and it has a couple of new features that it sounds like you might be interested in. One thing is that we've added a document processor capability that allows you, as a developer, to access the SP metadata and properties and then decide what to do with them. If you are interested in trying the newer beta version, I'm happy to send you more information. It does require Sharepoint 2013 and CMS 9.0. You can contact me at dick.sterry@episerver.com
I will be following this up for Chandika. I have sent you a mail in lieu of this. Thanks for your suggestion!
Is there any EpiServer Connect for Sharepoint add-ons available for Episerver 8?I have tried the beta vesrion,It says it sucessfully connected to the episerver site but doesnot shows any view from sharepoint.
Please help me,Is there any way to push the content from SharePoint 2007/2013 to EpiServer 8?