November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
Hi Dileep,
What version of Content Delivery API are you using?
Tested with Alloy and Content Delivery API 2.10.0 content reference works as you describe.
For example, add a new property like this to 'StandardPage' on Alloy MVC sample site:
[AllowedTypes(new Type[] { typeof(EditorialBlock) })]
[Display(GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 500)]
public virtual ContentReference ReferenceBlock { get; set; }
Now for example on the 'Management' page select a block to this new property and publish the page. Then use content delivery API to get the page, the 'ReferenceBlock' property is rendered to the response like this:
"referenceBlock": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84"
To get the information about the actual block in one call you need to add the query string parameter expand=propertyname, like ?expand=referenceblock and you would get response like this:
"referenceBlock": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84",
"expanded": {
"contentLink": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84"
"name": "Collaboration made simple - When and Where",
"language": {
"displayName": "English",
"name": "en"
"existingLanguages": [
"displayName": "English",
"name": "en"
"contentType": [
"parentLink": {
"id": 69,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "8c5e76a1-1733-4f13-9e6c-e5840818a410",
"url": "/globalassets/events/"
"changed": "2020-03-22T10:43:16Z",
"created": "2012-10-02T12:12:19Z",
"startPublish": "2017-11-27T07:33:11Z",
"saved": "2020-03-22T10:43:16Z",
"status": "Published",
"category": [],
"mainBody": "<hr />\n<h3>When and where?</h3>\n<p>Start: 09/10/2012 3:00:00 PM<br />End: 09/11/2012 3:30:00 PM<br />Address: Mandalay Bay Las Vegas</p>"
I have Content Delivery API set up which works fine. However I have below need:
My Page type has a Content Reference property that takes a specific Block type. Currently when I fetch the page, I get this property value as null.
How do I show the details of Block properties in the response:
Ex: PageType --> NewsPage which has a Content Reference property as MediaData that takes a BlockType as VideoBlock.
I need to be able to show the properties of VideoBlock when the page is queried or fetched.