CD API for Saas?


As per the docs, I am trying to fetch the content using CD API for the Saas CMS. But getting 404. Am I doing any wrong here? Any help is appreciated, thanks! 

Jul 29, 2024 11:25

Hiya, at the moment its not that friendly to fetch the data and you have to use the uuid to get the content data example can be seen here : Exploring SaaS CMS: API Clients and Content Management APIs ( 

Edited, Jul 29, 2024 22:19

Hi Raghavendra

The doc you referred to is for PaaS CMS not SaaS version. I don't think there is an equivalent version of CD API in SaaS, instead you can use either GraphQL or its own REST API Introduction to the CMS (SaaS) REST API (

Jul 30, 2024 6:33
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