Check out the "Restricting access to data" section here:
Episerver Forms stores its fundamental configuration in the _protected/EPiServer.Forms/Forms.config file.
The following configuration restricts who is able to view submitted form data. Edit is the default; an editor should at least have Edit access rights on the form content to view SubmissionData.
Suitable values for minimumAccessRightLevelToReadFormData are as follows:
NoAccess = 0, Read = 1, Create = 2, Edit = 4, Delete = 8, Publish = 16, Administer = 32, FullAccess = 63
For example, if you change the access rights to Publish, only a user who has Publish, Administer and FullAccess access rights on that form can see the SubmissionData.
Is it possible to restrict access to the 'Forms Submissions' area? In our implementation this section may contain sensitive information and we only want it to be shown to accounts with specific roles.