Is it working when you delete submission from build-in Forms Submission view? Here is how we delete the submissions:
var formIden = new FormIdentity { Guid = content.ContentGuid }; var submissionStorage = _submissionStorageFactory.Service.GetStorage<PermanentStorage>(); _formDataRepository.Service.DeleteSubmissionData(submissionStorage, formIden, submissionIds);
Thanks for your answer.
I solved it by clearing submission data like this:
SaveToStorage(formIdentity, submission);
This week we upgraded to Episerver 11 update 202 and Forms 4.10.0. After this upgrade we are not able to delete form submissions from code anymore.
We are using the DdsPermanentStorage.Delete method like this: Delete(formIdentity, submission.Id);
Before upgrading to Forms 4.10.0 this worked fine and the actual form submission was deleted like we wanted, but after the upgrade this code seems to do nothing.
All form submissions are still there and no exception is thrown either.
Any ideas why this doesn´t work anymore?