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episerver form version compatibility



I am on Episerver version 10 and the latest form version I can get is 4.8. The thing is it messes up the css for me for forms in the edit mode. How do I check the compatibility, meaning which version supports which one?

Mar 08, 2018 17:38

According to, EPiServer.Forms version 4.9.0 has support for CMS 11. So subsequent versions also support CMS 11.

According to, EPiServer.Forms 4.1.0 has support for CMS 10. So versions between 4.1.0 and 4.9.0 support CMS 10.

Mar 08, 2018 22:03

You can also check the dependencies in the Episerver Nuget feed. Click each version of the Forms.Core version history to see which version of Episerver.CMS.Core is supported:

Mar 08, 2018 22:45

So my version of episerver is 10.2 and forms are 4.6.1 and then in the edit mode of form container the form elements overlap with the add more elements here div. 

I’m trying to upload a picture of that here but not sure how because the editor won’t let me upload a picture 

Mar 09, 2018 6:08

The thing is it is working properly but only the ui is having issues. It doesn't apply bootstrap. Do you guys know how to add an image here maybe that will help?

Or maybe you can have the look at the image here at Stackoverflow

Mar 09, 2018 7:29

I found out that epi-editContainer for some reason has a min-height of 26px. That is making it look funky. Any ideas?

Mar 09, 2018 8:39

Here are instructions for uploading an image into a World forum post.

Prerequisite: The image you want to post exists on your computer

  1. Open the website
  2. Upload the image to be inserted.
  3. From the Embed codes dropdown, choose "HTML full linked."
  4. From that code's img src property, copy the image path beginning with https. For example,
  5. Go to the forum post.
  6. Click the Insert/edit image button.
  7. Into the dialog's Source field, paste the path you copied in Step 4.
  8. Complete the dialog and click OK.
Mar 09, 2018 15:27
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.