Rate limiting on form submission.



I'm looking into whether it is possible to rate limit the submission of a form. At the moment it is possible to use the Forms Criterion and a visitor group to prevent a user from submitting a form twice. 
The question here is what to do in case the user should be able to keep submitting a specific form.

What I would be looking for ideally is to be able to limit the rate of a user to x/hour or x/day. 

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Feb 03, 2021 14:06

One option...

  • Create an InitializableModule and subscribe to FormsEvents.OnSubmitting
  • If needed, add data (i.e. ip-adresss) to identify the user to the formsubmission
  • Check if set rate is exceeded, if it is then set CancelAction and CancelReason
Feb 03, 2021 14:40
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.