You can create a custom data exporter like this:
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(DataExporterBase))]
public class CustomCsvDataExporter : CSVDataExporter
public override string Export(DataTable dataTable)
// modify data
return base.Export(dataTable);
For excel you need to inherit from XLSXDataExporter
and override other methods.
Hope this helps!
Here's an updated version
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(DataExporterBase))]
public class CustomExcelDataExporter : XLSXDataExporter
private readonly IContentRepository _contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
protected override void EncodeXmlStringsFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
string language = row["SYSTEMCOLUMN_Language"].ToString();
int pageId = int.Parse(row["Submitted_from"].ToString());
if (_contentRepository.TryGet(
new ContentReference(pageId),
new CultureInfo(language),
out PageData page))
row["Submitted_from"] = page.Name;
I tested your code and it works perfectly when the UI language is English, but when I change it the name of the "Submitted_from" column is also changed.
Any idea how I can get the localized column name?
I also considered doing something like ColumnCount-5 as the index but this is obviously prone to break if a new standard field is added to form submissions.
Try this:
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(DataExporterBase))]
public class CustomExcelDataExporter : XLSXDataExporter
private readonly IContentRepository _contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
protected override void EncodeXmlStringsFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable)
string columnName = LocalizationService.Current
.Replace(" ", "_");
foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
string language = row["SYSTEMCOLUMN_Language"].ToString();
int pageId = int.Parse(row[columnName].ToString());
if (_contentRepository.TryGet(
new ContentReference(pageId),
new CultureInfo(language),
out PageData page))
row[columnName] = page.Name;
Hope this helps :)
When viewing a form submission online the field "submitted from" shows the page name as a link. When the same form data is exported to Excel the field is now an ID which makes it hard for editors to work with.
Is it possible to get the name of the "submitted from" page when exporting to Excel?