Regarding #2, could you post the code for your search request where this occurs?
Regarding #1 the ip tracked is as follows:
if the request contains the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR it will use that value else it will fallback to the HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress.
It will never look at the server ip so I'm a little suspicious how it shows up in the statistics. If you intercept your trackingrequest in fiddler (path: YOURINDEX/_track) what is the ip-parameter that is passed?
Regarding #2, I assume you're tracking searches without any query, e.g. a list page.
That's easy fixed with an if-statement.
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yourQuery))
query = query.Track();
This is what I do:
Results = SearchClient.Instance.Search<ISearchablePage>(Language.Norwegian) .For(Query) .InField(x => x.PageHeader) .AndInField(x => x.PageName) .AndInField(x => x.MainIntro) .AndInField(x => x.BodyText) .TermsFacetFor(x => x.Categories) //.StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)) .Filter(catFilter) //.Filter(x => x.PageHeader.Fuzzy(Query)) .Select(x => new SearchHit() { Title = x.PageHeader ?? x.PageName, Text = FirstNotEmpty( x.MainIntro.AsHighlighted(new HighlightSpec() { FragmentSize = 300, NumberOfFragments = 1, PreTag = "<strong>", PostTag = "</strong>" }), x.MainIntro.AsCropped(300), x.BodyText.AsHighlighted(new HighlightSpec { FragmentSize = 300, NumberOfFragments = 1, PreTag = "<strong>", PostTag = "</strong>" }), x.BodyText.AsCropped(300) ), Url = x.LinkURL, Categories = x.Categories }) .Take(pagingControl.PageSize) .Skip((pagingControl.ActivePageNumber - 1) * pagingControl.PageSize) .Track() .GetResult();
Before I used a trackscript (new Tracking().TrackingScriptUrl) to do the tracking, now Im using the track() funcition (serverside) when i execute the search. I got 2 problems with the new way of doing things: