Episerver Find with Commerce R3 Rebuild Indexing failed



I am using the Episerver Find with Commerce R3 and using find search provider. I have followed all the instruction given here


but find the error on rebuilding index.

08/05/2013 20:08:26: Build Failed using "catalog" indexer. "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. Your key is not authorized to access (DELETE) '/khurramkhang_catalog/_query'"

Error details in log file are 

2013-05-08 20:08:26,909 [20] INFO Mediachase.Search.SearchManager - Build Failed using "catalog" indexer. "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Your key is not authorized to access (DELETE) '/khurramkhang_catalog/_query'"
Mediachase.Search.IndexBuildException: Build Failed using "catalog" indexer. "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Your key is not authorized to access (DELETE) '/khurramkhang_catalog/_query'" ---> EPiServer.Find.ServiceException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Your key is not authorized to access (DELETE) '/khurramkhang_catalog/_query' ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at EPiServer.Find.Connection.JsonRequest.GetResponse()
at EPiServer.Find.Api.Command.GetResponse[TResult](IJsonRequest request)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at EPiServer.Find.Api.Command.GetResponse[TResult](IJsonRequest request)
at EPiServer.Business.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchProvider.RemoveAll(String applicationName, String scope)
at Mediachase.Search.Extensions.BaseCatalogIndexBuilder.BuildIndex(Boolean rebuild)
at Mediachase.Search.SearchManager.BuildIndex(Boolean rebuild)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Any help? 




May 08, 2013 21:13

Seems that the key you are using is not valid. Is it a developer index you are using? Can it be that the developer index have expired?

May 09, 2013 21:36

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for responding, I created the key just few days before, Wednesdat 3 May 2013. I think you could be probably right because on 

http://find.episerver.com/MyServices/IndexDetails/1480 i can see following details of my services

Index Type: Developer Service
Status: Created
Created: 5/8/2013 3:51:35 PM

Number of documents: 25000
Languages: English
Allow Attachments:
Allow SSL:

Created date looks wrong according to UK Format. In Uk Date format coming on website looks me wrong as it says 3 Aug 2013 not 8 May 2013. If this is the case then i think so a fix will be required on Find site.

I think so i should try to create a new key after 12 May to see if it generates correct date or gives an error.


May 10, 2013 10:09

I looked at the key and it seems to be valid. So then I would start looking if it is something wrong with the web.config where you placed you key to be read.



May 10, 2013 10:47

I followed the instruction given http://world.episerver.com/Download/Items/EPiServer-Commerce/EPiServer-Commerce-1-R3/EPiServer-Find-for-EPiServer-Commerce-1-R3/

Here is my config file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SearchProviders defaultProvider="FindSearchProvider">
<add name="FindSearchProvider"
type="EPiServer.Business.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchProvider, EPiServer.Business.Commerce.FindSearchProvider"
<Indexers basePath="C:\EPiServer\Sites\EPiServerCommerceManager2\App_Data\SearchIndex">
<add name="catalog" type="EPiServer.Business.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchIndexBuilder, EPiServer.Business.Commerce.FindSearchProvider" />


May 10, 2013 11:06

Ok, the problem is that the serviceUrl is pointing to your publicurl. The public url is not allowed to index or alter things in the index. It is supposed to be used for Javascript querying when you publicly displays the url.

If you change that to your private one it should start working.

Edited, May 10, 2013 11:09

Mats Hellström was right about you, you are Marcus Great. Thanks It workd.

May 10, 2013 11:28

I bow for your kindness. Glad I could help.

May 10, 2013 11:29

you should have tried using a vpn service.. Get gom vpn from hackbs fro free

Jul 26, 2017 18:23
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