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"Solved" it.
I have no idea if it's related or not. But the service path to EPiServer Search Indexing service was pointing to a non-existing URL in web.config which I saw when reading logs. After I had fixed this, the search result returned was what I was expecting. Are EPiServer Search and EPiServer Find working together in some way?
I've been updating most my nuget packages for the project I'm working on. Just finished upgrading EPiServer CMS from 7.5 to version and realized that my EPiServer Find pages (Index, Statistics and Opimizations) no longer worked. I got an error that is described here:
I thought that this was no problem since I was going to upgrade the EPiServer Find package anyway, but now I seem to get different search result.
We have a staging/demo site for this client which currently is a copy of my local installation except for the fact that my local installation has EPiServer Find and my staging site has 7.5.446.66.
When doing a search for the clients company name we get a result of 132 hits using UnifiedSearch but locally we only get 3 results. Also in some cases the OriginalObjectType property of the UnifiedSearchHit seem to be null for some reason. Both these sites are using the same index.
I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either i have a search page that work but a none-working EPiServer Find admin or I get a much reduced search result.