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Click tracking still not working


I tried today to enable click tracking again after applying the latest update of Find and I can still not get it to work.

I have added @Html.RequiredClientResources(RenderingTags.Header) in the header and @Html.RequiredClientResources(RenderingTags.Footer) in the body.

The url in the result looks like this:


So it seems like the url is correct.

The problem I get is that when clicking that url I get two 400-request, first this one:


That one gives this response
Bad Request

And directly after that I get a 400 on this url

That url gives the response
message=validation failed: 'q' must not be empty

Anyone got this working?

Oct 29, 2014 13:37

Can you post the actual query that you are executing (the .net part). It seems like query lookup fails as you get an empty 'q' parameter in the urls.


Oct 29, 2014 15:58

This is how the query is built up (Pretty complicated)

public SearchResult<OtherSearchResultItem> SearchOther(string query, int take = 20, int skip = 0, string orderBy = "", string sortOrder = "asc")
            var key = string.Format("SearchOther_q:{0}_t:{1}_s:{2}_o:{3}_so:{4}", query, take, skip, orderBy, sortOrder);

            var result = CacheManager.Get(key);
            if (result != null)
                return (SearchResult<OtherSearchResultItem>)result;

            var totalStopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            var returnSearchResult = new SearchResult<OtherSearchResultItem>();

                var searchQuery = SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearchGraspingRightHandTruncationFor(query,
                                                .Filter(f => !f.MatchType(typeof (EducationInfoToIndex)))
                                                .Filter(f => !f.MatchType(typeof (Jobbannons)))
                                                .Filter(f => !f.MatchType(typeof (OfficeInfoToIndex)))
                                                .Filter(f => !f.MatchType(typeof (ContactPersonToIndex)))
                                                .TermsFacetFor(x => x.SearchTypeName, x => { x.Size = 200; });
               var searchResult = searchQuery.Skip(skip).Take(take).Track().StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)).GetResult();

                returnSearchResult = new SearchResult<OtherSearchResultItem>
                        TotalCount = searchResult.TotalMatching,
                        ResultItems = searchResult.Hits.Select(h => new OtherSearchResultItem()
                                Title = h.Document.Title,
                                OtherType = TranslateTypeName(h.Document.TypeName),
                                Description = h.Document.Excerpt,
                                LinkUrl = h.Document.Url,
                                CssClass = h.Document.FileExtension
                        Facets = new List<FilterFacet>
                                new FilterFacet()
                                        Name = "Typ",
                                        Terms =
                                            searchResult.TermsFacetFor(t => t.SearchTypeName)
                                                            t =>
                                                            new FilterTerm()
                                                                    Name = TranslateTypeName(t.Term),
                                                                    TotalCount = t.Count
                                                                }).OrderBy(x => x.Name)

                if (take == 1000 && searchResult.TotalMatching > 1000)
                    var nextBatchFrom = 1000;
                    while (nextBatchFrom < searchResult.TotalMatching)
                        searchResult = searchQuery.Skip(nextBatchFrom).StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)).GetResult();
                            searchResult.Hits.Select(h => new OtherSearchResultItem()
                                    Title = h.Document.Title,
                                    OtherType = h.Document.TypeName,
                                    Description = h.Document.Excerpt,
                                    LinkUrl = h.Document.Url.ToLowerInvariant(),
                                    CssClass = h.Document.FileExtension
                        nextBatchFrom += 1000;

            catch (Exception exception)
                _logger.Error("EPiServer Find ligger nere", exception);


            CacheManager.RuntimeCacheInsert(key, returnSearchResult, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Helpers.Constants.OtherSearchCacheTimeToLive), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);

            return returnSearchResult;


The function UnifiedSearchGraspingRightHandTruncationFor looks like this:

public static class SearchExtensions

        public static IQueriedSearch<ISearchContent> UnifiedSearchGraspingRightHandTruncationFor(this IClient client, string query, Language language)
            language = language ?? Language.None;
            return client.Search<ISearchContent>(language).GraspingRightHandTruncationFor<ISearchContent>(query).WithAndAsDefaultOperator().InAllField();

        public static IQueriedSearch<TSource, QueryStringQuery> GraspingRightHandTruncationFor<TSource>(this ITypeSearch<TSource> search, string queryString)
            if (search == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("search");
            var str = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryString) ? "" : queryString);

            str += !str.Contains("\"") ? "*" : "";

            return new Search<TSource, QueryStringQuery>(search, (ISearchContext context) =>
                var queryStringQuery = new QueryStringQuery(str);
                queryStringQuery.RawQuery = queryString;
                var queryStringQuery1 = queryStringQuery;
                context.RequestBody.Query = queryStringQuery1;

I hope the grasping would be built in the product soon (we come from SiteSeeker and it exists there, so the customer needed to keep it)

Oct 29, 2014 16:27

I have now removed my extension with the grasping so now I do not get the error and it works for the unified search.

Dec 11, 2014 8:02

I have just published a blog post on how to do this for more than just unified search:

Feb 25, 2015 11:17
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.