here is what I would have done:
first of all, you would need to index your blog posts. In order to do this I suppose you could create a scheduled job that iterates through the blog posts and index them. In order to simplyfy this and work less with custom field conventions you might want to create your own models for this.
Also, remember to update the index when a new blog post has been created, deleted or modified.
Then, you need to add your type to the unified search registry. You could do this in a few ways. You could implement ISearchContent on your model, or you register the type at startup, like so:
And then implement the properties that you would need, like SearchTitle, SearchText and SearchUrl. More about this here
Hi all
I'm just writing a unified search query
return SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearchFor(searchDefinition.SearchTerm, Language.English) .Filter(x => x.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(ContentPageBase))) .Skip(searchDefinition.Page - 1) .Take(pageSize) .GetResult() .ToList();
In the next iteration of this the unified serach will also have to return blog posts created using relate+. I just want a steer on how this would be possible - if it turns out to be impossible then i need to know now really before I go too far down this track