"An exception occured while fetching content. The given key was not present in the dictionary.. "



I'm getting errors all the time when i'm trying reindex all my contents.

Error message:

2014-06-12 08:12:18,851 ERROR [10] EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer.ReIndex - An exception occured while fetching content. The given key was not present in the dictionary.. If you are using PageTypeBuilder please make sure that you are using >= 1.3.1. 
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentListDB.ReadPageList(DbCommand cmd)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentListDB.<>c__DisplayClass19.<LoadSpecificContentInstances>b__18()
   at EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDatabaseHandler.<>c__DisplayClass1`1.<Execute>b__0()
   at EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDeadlockRetryPolicy.Execute[TResult](Boolean isInTransaction, Func`1 method)
   at EPiServer.Data.Providers.SqlDatabaseHandler.Execute[TResult](Func`1 action)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentListDB.LoadSpecificContentInstances(Int32[] contentLinks, Int32 languageBranchID)
   at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.ContentStore.LoadSpecificContentInstances(Int32[] contentLinks, Int32 languageBranchID)
   at EPiServer.DefaultContentProvider.LoadContents(IList`1 contentReferences, ILanguageSelector selector)
   at EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider.GetScatteredContents(IList`1 contentLinks, ILanguageSelector selector)
   at EPiServer.DataFactory.GetItems(IEnumerable`1 contentLinks, ILanguageSelector selector)
   at EPiServer.Find.Cms.ContentIndexer.ReIndex(Action`1 statusAction, Func`1 isStopped)

I'm not using "PageTypeBuilder"

Episerver 7, Episerver Find 7.0.586.16

If somebody knows how can I fix it please answer.

Jun 12, 2014 15:45

I recall seeing that error. Make sure you only have that specific index config in one site instance, clear the index and then run the Indexing job again. That should make it go away.

Jun 17, 2014 9:43
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