You need to issue a request to elastic in order to get connectors. It should be a GET request to /_admin/connector/ endpoint. On the server side you can get a proper URL like this:
var url = String.Format("{0}{1}/_admin/connector", client.ServiceUrl, client.DefaultIndex);
A follow up question on that. Is it possible to filter the searchresult on the id I get back?
I can see that the property "job_id" gets added to my ExternalContentObjects but I can't seem to access it. It's not on the WebContent object and not on the x.SearchMetaData["job_id"].StringValue
Probably, you can use SearchSourceName property of the WebContent type. It holds connectors name.
Has there been any changes on the servers? I'm getting 401 from the get request to /_admin/connector now days.
No there have been no changes. I have verified that it works.
Have you been able to find anything else that might cause this?
Well I'm using the code above so the key should be correct no? Or is it diffrent depending on what client is created?
Tried it with a newly created index and getting the same result.
Also tried accessing it in a browser to either public and private url with no luck
Seems the issue I was getting has to do with the UrlResolver.GetUrl() wirdness. So Sergiis code still works.
Is there any way to get a list of the configured connectors?