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Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
Here Target Column is Price.
RangeFacetFor(x => x.Price, priceRanges.ToArray())
while I have Two target columns as Age range From and Age Range giving me a range To to compare with ranges.ToArray()
I need something like
RangeFacetFor(Target Range(x => x.AgeFromRange,x => x.AgeFromRange), ranges.ToArray())
I'm not 100% sure if I understand you correctly, but could you perhaps use TermsFacet for? And then index an additional field that combines the two properties which is used for creating the facets?
My Data is soem thing like this
Product|Age Range From|Age Range To
I want to get facets for range (0-2,0-3,3-12), I have to apply this range on both column as starting limit and ending limit.
How can I do this? RangeFacet, HistogramFacet wont work for above requirements.