Perhaps you can try running in NuGet package console 'install-package episerver.find.cms' to install/update the Find CMS integration.
the latest episerver.find.cms is already installed , the actual error is
the container was:\r\n\r\n Resolving EPiServer.Find.UI.Controllers.ConfigController,(none)\r\n Resolving parameter \"searchProvidersManager\" of constructor EPiServer.Find.UI.Controllers.ConfigController(EPiServer.Find.IClient searchClient, EPiServer.Find.Framework.Statistics.ISiteIdentityLoader siteIdentityLoader, EPiServer.Find.UI.IFindUIConfiguration configuration, EPiServer.Shell.Search.SearchProvidersManager searchProvidersManager)\r\n Resolving EPiServer.Shell.Search.SearchProvidersManager,(none)\r\n Resolving parameter \"searchProviders\" of constructor EPiServer.Shell.Search.SearchProvidersManager(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[EPiServer.Shell.Search.ISearchProvider, EPiServer.Shell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7]] searchProviders, EPiServer.Data.Dynamic.DynamicDataStoreFactory storeFactory)\r\n Resolving System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[EPiServer.Shell.Search.ISearchProvider],(none)\r
It is failing to initialize EPiServer.Shell.Search.ISearchProvider
Any thoughts?
Very strange. Couple things to try:
- Try to reinstall via NuGet: update-package -reinstall episerver.find
- Another issue could be conflict with a particular add-on. For example, I know that Find UI has issues with Live Monitor beta. May want to look into the add-ons you have installed on the site and temporarily disable the ones you suspect could be causing the UI to fail.
Could you post a list of installed EPiServer nuget packages (including their version numbers)?
It looks like you are using Unity dependency injection container. UnityDependencyResolver can't find ISearchProvider instances because we are using another dependnecy injection container - StructureMap and all ISearchProvider instances are configured there.
There are several ways to solve it:
EPiServer.Find version that is going to be released next will not have this issue, so you can just wait for the next version
or in initialization phase of your application copy all instances of ISearchProvider from StructureMap to Unity (you might need to copy some other types as well)
or use StructureMap as DI container instead of Unity
or contact EPiServer support in order to get a patch.
I've upgraded the EPiServer Find from v7 to v8 using Nuget packages . The find search works, however failed to load Find UI within CMS with following error - any pointers?