You cannot use .Count() on individual searches in a multisearch request but you can do it on all searches using .Count() instead of .GetResult():
var results = service.MultiSearch<Article>()
.Search<Article>(x => x.For("Banana"))
.Search<Article>(x => x.For("Orange"))
I guess however that you want to do a count on just a some of the searches and to do this with minimal overhead you can use .Take(0) on that query and look at .TotalMatching in the result:
var results = service.MultiSearch<Article>()
.Search<Article>(x => x.For("Banana"))
.Search<Article>(x => x.For("Orange").Take(0))
This will effectivly be a count query as it won't return any matching documents and only return the number of documents actually matching your query.
How can I send request of count in multisearch?
where, request of count = EPiServer.Find.SearchExtensions.Count()
Multisearch = EPiServer.Find.IClient.MultiSearch
Any ideas?
Version EPiServer.Find = 8.9
Best Regards