For some reason collapsed code blocks are not shown in my original post (Chrome), so duplicating them here:
The query sent to api by .Filter(x => x.Title.MatchFuzzy(input))
{ "query": { "constant_score": { "filter": { "query": { "fuzzy": { "Title$$string": { "value": "infromation" } } } } } } }
The second test which uses .FuzzyFilter extension is:
[TestCase("excrusion")] [TestCase("excrusio")] [TestCase("excursio")] [TestCase("Piroritized")] [TestCase("piroritized")] [TestCase("prior")] [TestCase("Prioritized")] [TestCase("infromation")] [TestCase("*Piroritized*")] public void Suggest_MatchFuzzy(string input) { var q = Client.Search<InformationIndexModel>() .Filter(x => x.Title.MatchFuzzy(input)) .WithLogToConsole("fuzzy-suggest-epifind-match-fuzzy", input); var result = q.GetResult().ToList().LogTitlesToConsole(); result.Count.Should().BePositive(); }
And finally query sent to api by this extension is:
{ "query": { "fuzzy": { "Title$$string.standard": { "value": "infromation", "boost": 1.0 } } } }
I'm trying to utilize fuzzy queries and suggest user correct words when search term typed incorrectly. I built a test index which has words "excursion", "prioritized", and "travel" in the title (the field name in index is "Title$$string") and trying to run the followin tests:
it appears that only 1 query returns non-empty results which looks incorrect. The query sent to api is:
My second attempt was to use an extension similar to
and the test is:
which returns results for all inputs except "excrusio" which is probably correct. The query sent to server is:
Then I tried to play with minSimilarity but the results were the same.
So the question number 1 - is how a correct query should look like?
and question number two is more specific: in the query above (which looks almost good for me) I see "Title$$string.standard" which probably means "standard" analyzer. Are there a quick way to fix it and give me a better control by minSimilarity field?