I assume you have triggered a Reindex job from the Admin panel? What do you have in your index? You can use the Explore view in the Find interface to explore the contents of your index.
yes, I've tried reindexing from the Admin panel still no joy.
It seems I can add a catalog item programmatically and the admin reindex does my standard web pages.
Oh, Okay. I was not aware you were running Commerce in your setup. Are you? (You mention 'catalog item') It's still fine, it works the same. However, make sure your ShouldIndex conventions are correctly set up. In your codebase somewhere, you probably have some lines similar to:
ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<T>().ShouldIndex(x => false); ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<U>().ShouldIndex(x => true);
Those lines configure whether these items of type T or U should be indexed or not.
How does 'add a catalog item programmatically' affect the state of the issue? Does programmatically added catalog items show up in the index?
Yes, I'm using Commerce. The standard EPiServer pages are going in the index but not the catalog stuff.
I've just tried adding that code in Application_Start and it didn't fix it.
I managed to get something working by using "ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<CatalogContentBase>().ShouldIndex(x => true);" in combination with the code detailed here : http://world.episerver.com/blogs/Jonas-Bergqvist/Dates/2014/1/Indexing-catalog-content-using-EPiServer-Find-Content-Indexing-Job/
If I had used the EPiServer.Find.Commerce would it have avoided the use of this extra code?
Is there any relevant documentation for what that package provides?
Yes, the EPiServer.Find.Commerce package packs:
Sounds exactly what I need unfortunately when I tried to install it fell over
Install failed. Rolling back...
Install-Package : Updating 'EPiServer.CMS.Core 8.11.0' to 'EPiServer.CMS.Core 9.0.1' failed. Unable to find versions of 'EPiServer.CMS.UI.Co
re, EPiServer.Find.Cms' that are compatible with 'EPiServer.CMS.Core 9.0.1'.
At line:1 char:16
+ install-package <<<< EPiServer.Find.Commerce
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
I've Visual 2013 with nuget 2.8
Hello Steve
The latest versions of the EPiServer Nuget packages all target CMS 9 including EPiServer.Find.Commerce v9.1.2. Try installing the previous version of the package by running this in the package manager console:
Install-Package EPiServer.Find.Commerce -Version 9.1.1
This should target the CMS 8.x asssemblies.
I've installed that package and removed the other code and it now automatically adds the catalog items.
I'm using EpiServer 8.11. and the project has Find installed.
When I got to the Overview tab it tells me there are 20 documents indexed. This is "For All Websites" in "All languages" but when I set the tab to my specific website name this drops to 0.
Needless to say but when I try and do a basic search in my code I get no results back.
How do I fix this so that find indexes the results for my site?