Developer index document limit issues


I'm working on an eCommerce build that uses EPi Find.....  We are running into issues in our development environment that we constantly hit our developers index limit of 10k documents....  we've done the best we can to restrict content as much as possible, but to get a good set of test data to cover all aspects of the Commerce and CMS instance we are still going slightly over.

As soon as the limit is hit, both Commerce, Commerce Manager and the CMS applications begin to encounter 403 errors which in some places are impossible to catch and handle.

Has anyone had this issue and found a way round it?  I think the only avenue is to request episerver increase the limit.....  

Aug 04, 2016 9:46

Hello Simon

When purchasing Find you should get at least two indexes (3 for bigger indexes). I am not sure where the second index is currently being used but perhaps you can use this second index for the development environment, then re-use it for test/QA when you get to that stage.

If you don't have any spare indexes then its possible to purchase additional indexes at a discounted rate - contact your Episerver account manager if this is needed.


Aug 04, 2016 11:10

Hi David,

Good tip actually, I assumed that it had been bought for the pre production server....  thanks

Aug 04, 2016 11:17
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