here is an example:
SearchClient.Instance.Statistics().GetDidYouMean("hi there", x => x.Size = 10);
You can also use:
SearchClient.Instance.Statistics().DidYouMean("hi there", 10);
Thanks Magne... "GetDidYouMean" works...
Initially I used "DidYouMean" and it always returns 0 results for me, i even updated latest FIND DLL. Its ok.. I will use "GetDidYouMean"
If possible can you tell me the differance between "GetDidYouMean" and "StatisticsDidYouMean" ?
StatisticDidYouMean is just a wrapper for DidYouMean, with the default tags set and size set to 1:
public static DidYouMeanResult StatisticsDidYouMean(this IStatisticsClient client, string query, int size = 1, IEnumerable<string> tags = null) { return client.GetDidYouMean(query, (Action<DidYouMeanCommand>) (x => { x.Size = new int?(size); x.Tags = StatisticsClientExtensions.AddDefaultTags(tags); })); }
Hi Friends
I want to implement GetDidYouMean with size attribute. Can you provide me with a sample code?
Syntax: GetDidYouMean(string query,Action)