When a page/contenten is published or drawn to the waste basket there is no automatic indexing of the content (for example, you get search results pinting to the page that you put in the trash) but sometimes it works. We have solved it temporarily to impose an indexation in various events. How can I move on, or do anyone have any common solutions to similar problems?
Both events should send index updates. Are any errors logged and what do you have in Indexing Queue? Also check that you are using 12.3 or newer Find package.
When a page/contenten is published or drawn to the waste basket there is no automatic indexing of the content (for example, you get search results pinting to the page that you put in the trash) but sometimes it works. We have solved it temporarily to impose an indexation in various events. How can I move on, or do anyone have any common solutions to similar problems?
We are using EPiServer 10 / EPiServer.Find 12
Tryed setting: