There is a user group called SearchAdmins which users need to be a member of to get access to the Find admin screens.
ok.. so i added the virtualrole searchadmins to my episerverframework.config
At first i still didnt see the button and couldnt access it, but i saw i have some other roles which needed access, so i added those in the SearchAdmin virtualRole and voila there it was.
Thanks guys for the insight!
Hey guys,
quite new at implementing episerver find.
Just started following this tutorial:
When i log into the CMS i dont see the new FIND button.
And if i try to go directly to /episerver/find , then i'm presented with the login screen.
I can see the scheduled job in the admin section. So that's is there.
Is there some permissions or other step that i'm missing to get that button added to the CMS.