I solved it!
I had to delete some BestBets references in BigTable, BigTableIdentity and BigTableReferences.
but first I had to find those references. I did so by checking after the content with id: 6578 in tblBigTable.
FROM [TheDBHere].[dbo].[tblBigTable]
WHERE String02 = '6578'.
The result I got gave me pkId I needed to delete the references from the tables.
For an example:
DELETE FROM [TheDBHere].[dbo].[tblBigTable]
WHERE pkid in (841659,841663,841667,843011)
DELETE FROM [TheDBHere].[dbo].[tblBigTableReference]
WHERE RefIdValue in (841659,841663,841667,843011)
DELETE FROM [TheDBHere].[dbo].[tblBigTableIdentity]
WHERE pkid in (841659,841663,841667,843011)
After that I restarted the site, visited the Find UI and checked if I got it working or if I got a new exception with another content ID.
I had to redo this 9 times, after that I got the best bets view working again.
/ Henric
On one site we have a broken UI for Find at the moment.
When trying to configure the optimize section I get a javascript exception and no best bets, related search or synonyms are showing.
The exception is:
Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Failed to find any languages in the database (tblContentLanguage) for content with id: 6578. Originally requested language was: 8.
I've checked tblContentLanguage, but there isn't any content with id: 6578 there.
So, what I think might have happened is that some content has been deleted from epi, but the reference with best bets with that specific content still exists in the DB.
Anyone got a magic sql script to fix this or any suggestions on how I can try and solve this fantastic exception?
Kind regards / Henric