Number of words in index (terms count)


Does anyone have a suggestion for how to find the number of words that are contained in a Find index? Can this somehow also be filtered by  document type?

Or can the number of terms perhaps also be found via PowerSlicer in some way?...

Edited, Mar 30, 2017 11:34

In the Find admin UI, the Index Overview screens displays the total number of indexed objects, and the number of objects of each type. For more information, see

Mar 30, 2017 17:35

Thanks Bob, however I am only seeing "document type" and the number of objects. What I'm trying to find is the number of words inside each document type.

Apr 10, 2017 11:02

Are you interested in finding the total number of words in one specific property of an indexed item, or do you really want the count of all words in a completely indexed item? I ask because there is a lot of data that's being indexed for each item (by default), that a total word count for the entire item likely doesn't make a lot of sense. 

Maybe you can provide a sample use case or scenario for your situation? It might be better to understand what this term count is going to be used for.

Apr 10, 2017 17:05

@Chris, my use was to get an estimated word count of all indexed items (or for specific object types) in order to estimate translation costs of a website. I'm aware of the fact that the word count would be only an estimate, but even that would help.

For my current needs, I've now solved this with the help of Screaming Frog and its word count functionality. Even that is only a gross estimate, but it's at least something to start with.

Apr 12, 2017 13:51
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