Having the same start date and end date should not be a problem, but it will require that the results have that exact DateTime - including matching hours and seconds. To solve this, you could do something like this:
.Filter(x => x.StartPublish.InRange(startDate.Date, endDate.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1)))
This will make sure that you get all results with the current date.
You could also use MatchDay:
if (endDate == startDate) { query = query.Filter(x => x.StartPublish.MatchDay(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day)); } else { ... }
Hi ,
I have written epi find query where i have option to search data from start date to end date below is my query:-
SearchClient.Instance.Search().Filter(x => x.StartPublish.InRange(startdate, enddate)).
I am not getting any data when Start Date and End Date is same. Could any one help me please how to get data when Start date and end date are same.