Hi Abhishek,
For indexing follow this link: http://jondjones.com/learn-episerver-cms/episerver-find/how-to-force-epifind-to-index-your-content,
Follow below links for easy understanding about Find;
Thanks for the response Uday!
Actualy my quwetion was , after rebuilding th eindex ,in log message showing 0 globalasset and other content indexed. Only PageData get indexed peroperly.
I have few document and images in my App_Data folder which is out of the site folder.
Please suggest me how I can get these file/document in serach result.
Here my indexing job indexing pages properly.
But not indexing Global Asset folder.
Any suggestion please.
This article explains how to index assets in Find version 12: http://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/find/NET-Client-API/File-attachments/. Does it answer your questions?
(The dropdown on that page lets you find documetation for previous versions of that topic.)
Hi Bob,
Actually my requierment is very simple.
I am uplaoding document by uisng Episerver Media uploader in APP_DATA folder. There are some documents.
After that I made entry in Application start as : ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<IContentMedia>().ShouldIndex(x => true);
From admin mode when I run the indexing job, it shows me zero global assets content indexed. See messaeg below.
Indexing job [Main Site] [content]: Reindexing completed. ExecutionTime: 0 hours 0 minutes 16 seconds Number of contents indexed: 95
Indexing job [Global assets and other data] [content]: Reindexing completed. ExecutionTime: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds Number of contents indexed: 0
I wanted to see my uplaoded documet in App_data folder in search result.
Am I missing any configuration here?
Please hel me.
Hi All,
I am very new in epi-find.
I wanted to search result with Pages and documents (from global assets i.e. App Data folder).
How could I achive that?
Secondly, when I re-build the index showing 0 global asset content indexed. How could I idex the files well.
Please suggest step by step.
Please help as as possible.