As my colleague's explanation, camel case is not supported by the UI. At leas these properties to be pascal case for th UI to work: Title, Url, Excerpt, MetaData, MeataData.BestBetPhrase.
The option we see is to somehow override the responses from EditorialBoostingController (/EPiServer/Find/api/editorialboosting/searchwithweights/) and change these properties back to pascal on the way.
As a theoretical example, this could be achieved by, creating a custom implementation of the EditorialBoostingController or a proxy that transforms requests from EditorialBoostingController, so that it only affects the boosting preview in UI.
I hope this helps.
Actully I fixed this by adding a custom json resolver which if the api was in a list or follow a certain pattern, the formater will be Default(which is paskal) otherwise it follow the global configuration.
Hi Everyone,
When I config application to serialize the json in camel case boosting page in find ui shows everything in undefined. if you trace the dGrid values, you can see all culumn definitions and asignments are in paskal case. so when you pass a camelCase json it result in undefined values.
I couldn't find any solution to config camel case serialization globally and fix this issue.