Automatic scheduled jobs are not executed on a web request. Therfore under Schedule Job, HttpContext.Current will be null, Indexing job will not have any user rights during run. The manual trigger will cause the task to run with the currently logged in user’s account and with access to that HttpContext. If you do not require those objects getting indexed, exclude them by using Find Conventions. Otherwise under the version you mentioned most probably you may require to build custom job to cover access issues in your scenario.
Hi Khan,
Thanks for responding back. I have 2 questions though.
1) how does these errors responsible to take the site down for couple minutes?
2) If you notice i see 400 bad request in the http unhandled exception. Does it because of the httpcpntext.currnt value is null?
I am afraid, based on the exception, I cannot make any relation of site outages. After stopping this service, was your site working ok? There are hunderds of reasons (mostly memory leaks) I have seen, sometime just badly structured Top menu was the reason of these kind of periodic outages. In most of the cases EPiServer was very robust but custom logics effects performance.
Generally I will highly recommend to stay updated as updates contains not only new features but also fixes regarding performance and security. Updates doesn't guranties that your site issue will get resolved untill we know the reason. Have a look on release notes, may you find some hint.
We are currently facing constant issues of site going down for almost on everyday for Production Site. This happenes almost at every 3 hours of time gap which is the duration set to run the Episerver.Find Reindexing job on the CMS.
Please suggest here what is going on.
Hiral shah