I am using EpiFind, the version is 12.5.3 in NuGet.
I want to search by a few fields in the JSON below. I am trying this code, but I don't get the right results back. I don't understand why.
var searchResult = _searchClient.Search<>RemoteHostedContentItem>() .For(filename).InField(x => x.SearchFilename).GetResult();I want to search by>
SearchFilenameBut I don't know how to.
{ "SearchSubsection$$string": "S-Reliability Coordination", "SearchTypeName$$string": "Document", "SearchFilename$$string": "RTVSA_Summary_071718_1509.html", "ContentTypeName": "Hypertext Markup Language", "SearchHitUrl$$string": "http://localhost:17104/api/extranetdocuments/getbyname/RTVSA_Summary_071718_1509.html", "_TypeShortName": "RemoteHostedContentItem", "accesstype": [ "Visitors-RA" ], "rtvsareportanalysisfile": "Case Summary", "guid": "42b1048e-8995-4e89-804d-caafb55cdb3c", "SearchSection$$string": "Documents", "_type": "MisoWeb_Models_Find_RemoteHostedContentItem", "Files": { "original": "http://localhost:17104/api/extranetdocuments/getbyname/RTVSA_Summary_071718_1509.html" }, "_id": "Extranet_RTVSA-448", "RolesWithReadAccess$$string": [ "Visitors-RA" ], "_TypeDisplayName": "Remote Hosted Content Item", "FileName": "RTVSA_Summary_071718_1509.html", "CommitteeDocType": "test", "CreatedBy": "MISO.C2.RTVSA", "$type": "MisoWeb.Models.Find.RemoteHostedContentItem, MisoWeb", "UpdatedBy": "MISO.C2.RTVSA", "DocumentType": "S-Reliability Coordination", "SearchTitle$$string": "RTVSA_Summary_071718_1509.html", "rctype": "RTVSA", "ContentType": "text/html" }
I am using EpiFind, the version is 12.5.3 in NuGet.
I want to search by a few fields in the JSON below. I am trying this code, but I don't get the right results back. I don't understand why.