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Fuzzy Search not working with synonyms.


I had .Search() code with 

 .For(query, q =>
  q.Query = "*"+query+"*";

But it didn't show results for synonyms. If I removed wildcards, I get match for synonym, but now Fuzzy Search is broken.

Whats best practise to enable fuzzy search in Find, without using wildcards in queries?

Aug 22, 2018 15:44

Hi Sean,
Which version of Find are you using?

Aug 22, 2018 17:22

My colleague Drew Null has a blog post on this. Take a look. Synonyms & best bets are an issue with wildcard queries but Drew has outlined the steps to work around it.

Aug 22, 2018 20:57

Hi, I'm using Find .NET API-version:

Thanks! We'll have a look at this.

Aug 24, 2018 10:15
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