var variationSearchResult = Search().For(searchQuery)
.InField(variation => variation.DisplayName)
.AndInField(variation => variation.Description.AsViewedByAnonymous())
I want to have the exact matches for the DisplayName on the top. Afterwards I want to have the exact matches for the Description. And in the end there should be some results with not exact matches for Display name - so it is ok to have there misprints, stemming, etc.
So basically I thought that something like this can solve this problem:
But I don't like the results I am getting. For example, some stemming items may appear quite high in the list. The worst thing here is that stemming can work quite badly for Dutch language suggesting completely different words...
I use Find v13.0.1 and Find.Commerce v10.2.0
Let's say I want to search though Variations:
I want to have the exact matches for the DisplayName on the top. Afterwards I want to have the exact matches for the Description. And in the end there should be some results with not exact matches for Display name - so it is ok to have there misprints, stemming, etc.
So basically I thought that something like this can solve this problem:
But I don't like the results I am getting. For example, some stemming items may appear quite high in the list. The worst thing here is that stemming can work quite badly for Dutch language suggesting completely different words...